Hanwha Defence Australia signs contract with AirSense for sub system

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

In December last year, Hanwha Defence Australia (HDA) hosted AirSense Analytics of Germany in Melbourne for a contract signing ceremony for the supply of chemical and hazardous substance sensors for the AS9 Self-Propelled Howitzer and AS10 Armoured Ammunition Resupply Vehicles under LAND 8116.

The contract, worth over $3.5 million, will ensure the Huntsman family of vehicles are equipped with the best chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threat detection system to safeguard the warfighter.

AirSense was chosen from a competitive field for the strength and quality of their solution. The German company is in conversation with several local Australian companies for the conduct of test and evaluation to support verification and validation activities. Both companies are planning for ongoing support of the sensor through an Australian industry partner.

This partnership further demonstrates the growing supply chain in Australia and overseas that HDA is building to deliver this game changing capability for the Australian Defence Force and beyond.

L-R Glenn Halupka, HDA's Engineering Lead for LAND 8116 and Wolf Münchmeyer, General Manager at AirSense at the contract signature ceremony at HDA's Bourke St office, Melbourne in December 2022